Daniel Morrow
Worship Leader and Elder
Daniel says while he was raised believing in Christ as a child, he also had times of backsliding. He says, “its been a winding theological journey with consistent redefinition of terms” as he’s grown in his faith.
Daniel served on the pastoral staff and music ministry of many local churches before joining New Geneva Community Church with his family in January of 2013. After years of ministry in various denominations, a growing conviction in the truth of Reformed doctrine led him to seek out a confessionally sound church.
For Daniel serving in leadership at New Geneva means “serving God’s people through music, learning to bear with one another in love, and growing in faith in Christ with a community of believers knit together in the word of Christ and sacrament.”
Daniel studied music at The University of Tennessee at Martin, and is currently Quality Control for All-Pedal and a Customer Service and Artist Relations Representative for WGS.
Daniel attends New Geneva with his wife, Cassie, and their four children.